hello! i was wondering why this super awesome game ive heard so much about isnt available in germany (on steam), and i was wondering if that will ever change? i would love to play it and i personally dont really understand how to download it from here, and steam is less of a hassle. i hope i dont sound rude in anyway, i would love to play this fun and humerous game!
Hey! The reason it's not available in Germany on Steam is because of laws behind adult content, unfortunately the game is kinda risque and falls into that category.
This game is so unexpectedly fun! I love it so much! There's gotta be more!!!! Also I love all the background music and wish there was a way to listen to the soundtrack!!
I don't know how I've found this but this cringe is perfect. It was a suprise that some N.N. participated the development. Why he is not in the list here?
I look forward to the continuation of this game more than my FATHER with bread. (Oh yeah, Bread-flavored Sheez) So, what can I say, the game both amused and traumatized me, and I'm very happy about it, consider me crazy, but the plot in this game will light up the bible. I was very pleased that there are even Russian cans there, I just screamed when I read the name of the Mayonnaise. But even more I broke through with his speech, it was very cool and funny. Among other things, I would like to highlight the fact that in addition to humor in this game there are a lot of catchy things, one problem is that I can't name the reason why I was attracted to this game, but it's amazing (it's quite possible that I just went cuckoo) If you are interested, then I have my favorite cans: These are eternal devortion (because why not) And Oyster casino (Because he insulted my mom so masterfully, he also managed to make a bet at the end!!! Plus he was voiced by The Stupendium, and his voice is worthy of respect) Speaking of The Stupendium, the song he made for this game is just a real masterpiece and has settled in my playlist forever, in fact, it was thanks to this song that I learned about the game, which I am very grateful for. If we talk about who I would recommend this game to, I would answer that to all people with a good sense of humor and not too impressionable (Yes, there is something to be impressed with, believe me) I put 1000/10 on the game, if my mom suddenly came into my room while I was playing this game, I would have to turn on hardcore p#rn because it's easier to explain. Thanks to the creators for a great game that brought me a lot of laughter and one trip to the psychiatrist, I'm waiting for the continuation of this crazy story!
(And yes, I went through this game with a can of my favorite drink, it was perfectly enough at the end. However, I'm afraid I caused psychological trauma to my can.)
No clue. Trying to use a password decoder to brute force it since "ProjectS" and similar things haven't worked for the password. If you find out please lmk. Super curious what's in it as well
Hey! I have a small question, im here from steam and i just struggled with the levels because having steam open lags my computer a good amount (its a shitty computer) so i wanted to ask if there was any difference between this and the steam version?
hey, when i play the level or idk what to call the letters when you click on the splash won't come up and alwaysq stay to F even if i almost get nothing wrong, i am just very crappy at the game or is it a bug?
it looks like an interesting game but the comments from before said that there are no plans for an ios version... hopefully there is one available for all of us apple users to download... but it looks good tho
there seem to be a problem with my steam version of the game, I was doing the usual playing until when I try to open the game up it just showed the bar of the game. I could hear the music from it but I couldn’t do anything about it as I tried to reinstall the game and reset my computer but that didn’t work, not sure on how to fix it unless I have to reinstall steam. Also here’s the photo of what it looked like when it’s opened.
yes, I did remember having to get out of full screen due to the game being laggy. It seem to run smoothly a bit when the game was now windowed since I changed the graphics along with the second section as well.
Including steam? Just wanted to make sure that I’m not doing it wrong which could possible loss my process unless it’s needed to be sacrificed in order for the game to work properly without any issues.
I tried to do it, made sure there isn't anything left. I even did a full restart of my steam but it's still the same, I don't know what's wrong with it. (Maybe it's the windows and resolution situation that won't let me in? I don't know anymore. Also sorry if I'm a bother to you at the moment as I really enjoyed the game)
I... I have found the way to fix it, which is weirdly surprising on how it worked. As I did ALT+SHIFT+ENTER on it and it was back to normal. I do apologize but also want to thank you for your help, and really love your game!
idk but there is an issue when i play the game but it is really laggy to where i cant even play the game correctly. does anyone know how to fix this issue?
Wish this could run on Linux so I could at least attempt to play it on my Chromebook, it doesn't work on my laptop that runs windows because the graphics card isn't strong enough, messed about downloading itch.io on the Chromebook using Linux but nope :(
Ok so I'm having a bit of an issue-- whenever I try to boot up the game (steam varient) I get the "made by unity" logo with the "feel the fizz inside you" jingle and it's little green background, only for it to go black shortly after and eventually crash if I do remotely anything on it. Sometimes it'll have unity assest install themselves and such but otherwise, nothing but a black screen and crashing. Is there a way I could possibly fix this?
Hello, I'm a stupendium viewer and I know you are a friend of stupendium. if you could make this playable in your browser (meaning everyone elses browser) that would be great cuase I cant play a game like this after downloading on my personal chromebook o if you could allo thi to be played in the browser that the person is using GREAT! thank you! - Stupendium viewer Landon - also heres a picture of pain when fighting naruto
Hi OxyOxspring im the guy from the other comment can u please healp me on something when i start the game it just turns into black screen and on steam it wont show up (the game) and the link wont work also im not the only person with the problem
well i got actually downloaded on my computer from my grandpa and it worked there.well somehow the screen is black on the photo secion and the textures are wierd so i dunno whats wrong on my laptop and it wont work on itch.io on my laptop but on the other one tho
Please o pleeeease release the soundtracks of each can. I love those, they are really refreshing just like the game! I m ready to even pay for it! How are you guys even making money?
I really appreciate it cuz I had fun playing it (why does this have to sound so strange) and the musics literally captured each culture. Will you guys put it on Spotify or YouTube at least. Please! I would love to hear it during workout.
idk if its a problem with my computer or the download is messed up but when I launch the game it loads up and then goes to a black screen then crashes. if you could plz help me
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hello! i was wondering why this super awesome game ive heard so much about isnt available in germany (on steam), and i was wondering if that will ever change? i would love to play it and i personally dont really understand how to download it from here, and steam is less of a hassle. i hope i dont sound rude in anyway, i would love to play this fun and humerous game!
Hey! The reason it's not available in Germany on Steam is because of laws behind adult content, unfortunately the game is kinda risque and falls into that category.
if this can be available for ios I would play it non stop… getting Microsoft laptops is so expensive…
I have played this game for exactly five minutes but it's no doubt, this isn't the GOTY, this is the GOAT (Game of all Time)
Thank you so much! 👍
This game is so unexpectedly fun! I love it so much! There's gotta be more!!!! Also I love all the background music and wish there was a way to listen to the soundtrack!!
im playing this game becuse of the LOOORRRRRRRRRREEEEEEE
Please make a story-mode. Also some content for diabetics.
This is horrible, more please.
Working on it 😜
I don't know how I've found this but this cringe is perfect. It was a suprise that some N.N. participated the development. Why he is not in the list here?
Neil was in the final Steam Release version, this page has been left to commemorate the original version!
Do you know exactly what music you used? Can't find that information anywhere. Except the album you released on spotify.
All the music is listed in the games credits!
I look forward to the continuation of this game more than my FATHER with bread. (Oh yeah, Bread-flavored Sheez) So, what can I say, the game both amused and traumatized me, and I'm very happy about it, consider me crazy, but the plot in this game will light up the bible. I was very pleased that there are even Russian cans there, I just screamed when I read the name of the Mayonnaise. But even more I broke through with his speech, it was very cool and funny. Among other things, I would like to highlight the fact that in addition to humor in this game there are a lot of catchy things, one problem is that I can't name the reason why I was attracted to this game, but it's amazing (it's quite possible that I just went cuckoo) If you are interested, then I have my favorite cans: These are eternal devortion (because why not) And Oyster casino (Because he insulted my mom so masterfully, he also managed to make a bet at the end!!! Plus he was voiced by The Stupendium, and his voice is worthy of respect) Speaking of The Stupendium, the song he made for this game is just a real masterpiece and has settled in my playlist forever, in fact, it was thanks to this song that I learned about the game, which I am very grateful for. If we talk about who I would recommend this game to, I would answer that to all people with a good sense of humor and not too impressionable (Yes, there is something to be impressed with, believe me) I put 1000/10 on the game, if my mom suddenly came into my room while I was playing this game, I would have to turn on hardcore p#rn because it's easier to explain. Thanks to the creators for a great game that brought me a lot of laughter and one trip to the psychiatrist, I'm waiting for the continuation of this crazy story!
(And yes, I went through this game with a can of my favorite drink, it was perfectly enough at the end. However, I'm afraid I caused psychological trauma to my can.)
Thank you so much for playing!!
Waiting for the continuation of the story! Good luck in the development!
Does Only Cans run on MacOS?
It does not!
No clue. Trying to use a password decoder to brute force it since "ProjectS" and similar things haven't worked for the password. If you find out please lmk. Super curious what's in it as well
Hey! I have a small question, im here from steam and i just struggled with the levels because having steam open lags my computer a good amount (its a shitty computer) so i wanted to ask if there was any difference between this and the steam version?
Not really much difference at all! The game is pretty graphically intensive so it chugs on less powerful computers.
Thank you !
hey, when i play the level or idk what to call the letters when you click on the splash won't come up and alwaysq stay to F even if i almost get nothing wrong, i am just very crappy at the game or is it a bug?
You have to use left and right click depending on if Spray or Snap are on screen. You can also use the left and right arrows if that is easier.
it looks like an interesting game but the comments from before said that there are no plans for an ios version... hopefully there is one available for all of us apple users to download... but it looks good tho
Did it run properly beforehand?
yes, I did remember having to get out of full screen due to the game being laggy. It seem to run smoothly a bit when the game was now windowed since I changed the graphics along with the second section as well.
Hmmm... Might be worth doing a full reinstall of the game, making sure no files are left to cause a bug. I've never seen this before!
Including steam? Just wanted to make sure that I’m not doing it wrong which could possible loss my process unless it’s needed to be sacrificed in order for the game to work properly without any issues.
I tried to do it, made sure there isn't anything left. I even did a full restart of my steam but it's still the same, I don't know what's wrong with it. (Maybe it's the windows and resolution situation that won't let me in? I don't know anymore. Also sorry if I'm a bother to you at the moment as I really enjoyed the game)
I... I have found the way to fix it, which is weirdly surprising on how it worked. As I did ALT+SHIFT+ENTER on it and it was back to normal.
I do apologize but also want to thank you for your help, and really love your game!
Thanks for finding a fix, I'm sorry I couldn't be more helpful! I'm glad you've enjoyed the game though!
idk but there is an issue when i play the game but it is really laggy to where i cant even play the game correctly. does anyone know how to fix this issue?
You might need to reduce your quality settings in the options menu, the game is very processor intensive!
i found out this game exists thanks to a video from tiktok using the sound one of the best games i have ever played
I'm very glad you enjoyed it!
Wish this could run on Linux so I could at least attempt to play it on my Chromebook, it doesn't work on my laptop that runs windows because the graphics card isn't strong enough, messed about downloading itch.io on the Chromebook using Linux but nope :(
Yeah sadly we don't support a Linux version of the game, and I don't think we ever will.
use a virtuall machin in ur lunix device or dual boot windows
I need this on mmobile any chance?
Unfortunately no! Mobiles don't really have the processing and graphics power to handle some of the more juicy effects!
can you make it available for Mac?
Unfortunately no! We've got no plans to release a Mac version!
Ok so I'm having a bit of an issue-- whenever I try to boot up the game (steam varient) I get the "made by unity" logo with the "feel the fizz inside you" jingle and it's little green background, only for it to go black shortly after and eventually crash if I do remotely anything on it. Sometimes it'll have unity assest install themselves and such but otherwise, nothing but a black screen and crashing. Is there a way I could possibly fix this?
This is a bug caused by some graphics cards, I'm afraid there is no fix!
Can y'all maybe release a Mac version ? would love to play it !!
Unfortunately we can't launch a mac version, it's too much work to do it and it would cost money!
It's definitely not crashing! It'll be your graphics card!
Oh my what a game XD
I am sus XD
3 Free Games - Episode 1 - YouTube
I'm dying to see what comes next
Only time will tell...
I'm really bad at waiting :')
Would be easier if I knew for sure that there is definitely gonna be more
Thank you for playing!
amazing game
seriously, this is such a unique game and has such a simple mechanic yet the comedy value was through the roof. Excellent game.
And I totally didn't end up listening to the song over & over for weeks....nope, definitely not.
Cannot wait for your next masterpiece!
Thank you so much!
Theres moaning lore horror and way more i unlocked the dont unlock this and i got a soul trapped in a can i can guess who that is but i wont
Hello, I'm a stupendium viewer and I know you are a friend of stupendium. if you could make this playable in your browser (meaning everyone elses browser) that would be great cuase I cant play a game like this after downloading on my personal chromebook o if you could allo thi to be played in the browser that the person is using GREAT! thank you! - Stupendium viewer Landon - also heres a picture of pain when fighting naruto
the game wont load it gets to the soda can opening sound and then it doesnt work? can i get some help here?
Some computers cannot run the game, unfortunately. We're not entirely sure why.
talk about the last level
When I watch Game Theorist Channel talking about this. It was John Shize the 3rd's son, John Shize the 4th(but it's just a theory)
what engine is this made with?
wow, what unity can do am I right? Ima leave you with a joke. What did the can say after realizing it was about to die? I’m going to Sheize the day
i hate that joke so much
Hi OxyOxspring im the guy from the other comment can u please healp me on something when i start the game it just turns into black screen and on steam it wont show up (the game) and the link wont work also im not the only person with the problem
I'm afraid you can't play the game in Germany because of some weird laws!
oh well thats shit but ibcant do anything so but thank u for answearing me
well i got actually downloaded on my computer from my grandpa and it worked there.well somehow the screen is black on the photo secion and the textures are wierd so i dunno whats wrong on my laptop and it wont work on itch.io on my laptop but on the other one tho
Try turning the graphics down to their lowest settings!
well you didn't hear it from me but you can get around the region by just downloading it on Linux and playing it via WINE
but i dont have linux
his dosent deserve to be18+ but hell it funny
Oh trust me it does, just wait...
i played on steam its just humor
Have You seen the final can?
is fugly
Fugly doesnt begin to describe it
Please o pleeeease release the soundtracks of each can. I love those, they are really refreshing just like the game! I m ready to even pay for it! How are you guys even making money?
We didn't make any money from the game, we made it for fun. Haha.
I really appreciate it cuz I had fun playing it (why does this have to sound so strange) and the musics literally captured each culture. Will you guys put it on Spotify or YouTube at least. Please! I would love to hear it during workout.
the music is seem to just be stock music anyone can use.
Could you please make a Linux port?
Unfortunately no! We don't have the time to!
idk if its a problem with my computer or the download is messed up but when I launch the game it loads up and then goes to a black screen then crashes. if you could plz help me
I have the same problem i wish someone would answear